Monday, 25 January 2010

My script

My script

For the whole of this scene the camera will be handheld

ASHLEY has just come home from college. The audience will see her coming up the drive whilst listening to her Ipod and looks annoyed, as she hasn't had a good day. She stops at the doorm takes her bag off her shoulder and opens it as she rummages around looking for her keys. Once she's found her keys, she opens the door, walks over the post and throws her keys at the stairs. She then turns around, bends down and picks up the post. From there she walks to the kitchen and dumps the post on the table. Then moves the chair slightly from the table and puts her bag on the chair, get a few items out of it and puts them on the table. She then goes over and takes a glass from the cupboard, walks to the sink and gets herself a glass of water. She goes back to the table, picks up her items and walks out of the kitchen by shutting the door.


She's walks down the drive and stops in front of the door
(The camera is handheld and is tracking with her, only revelaing the side of her face. The lighting will be kept naturalistic but a reflector will be used to enhance shadow.)

Puts her keys into the keyhole and opens the door(The camera is will be an extreme close up)


Opens the door and walks into the house, stepping over the post.(This will be filmed inside, as if the audience are there before she is, making the audience spectators and will also create mid shot. The lighting will still be made to look natural.)

Throws her keys(The camera will create an extreme close-up, which is linked with the extreme close-up of her opening the door ealrier. Showing that her freedom has gone now she's home.)

Turns around, bends down and picks up post(This will be filmed over the shoulder and will create a close up. The lighting will remain the same.)

Walks to the kitchen(Like when she was walking up the drive the camera will be tracking with her, only showing one side of her face. The lighting will remain the same.)


In this part of the scene the lighting will remain naturalistic as she turns the kitchen lights on, shortly after she's entered the room.

Opens the kitchen door and walks in(Will be filmed at the side, as the camera has just finished tracking with her. She'll walk in, whilst the camera will reamin still, creating a long shot.)

Puts the post on the table(The camera will remain in the same postiton. By it doing this it means the audience are observing her everyday routine.)

Moves the chair and puts bag on it(This'll be edited so it'll jump to a mid shot.)

Getting the items out of bag and puts them on the table(When getting the items out of the bag, when she opens her bag it'll be an extreme close-up. Through this it'll show the importance of her life and everyday routine. When putting thr items on the table, this'll edit to a mid shot.)

Walks to the cupboard and takes a glass(When walking over to the cupbaord the camera will track with her. When taking out the glass, this will be filmed over the shoulder, creating a long close-up.)

Walks over to the sink(She will go first, whilst the camera will follow shortfly afterwards. This creates a long shot.)

Turns on the tap and the water pours into it (This will be filmed over the shoulder, as if seeing it from her point of view. It will also create an extreme long shot.)

Walks back over to the table and picks up the items (The camera will follow her shortly after she has started walking, but will end upstanding quite near her and she picks up the items. This will be a mid shot.) Walks towards the door, puts items and glass on the counter near her. Turns around, picks them up and shuits the door. (The camera will go shortly after her and will stop when she does. It will remain still for the rest of this shot, creating a mid shot.)


The camera will be on a tripod, creating a contrast from the previously filmed scene and will remain still throughout the entire scene.

ASHLEY is standing in a completely black room with her head down. She'll have her back to the camera and a bright white spotlight will come on at the same time that her head goes up. She'll then turn around so she's facing sideways. She is dressed in all black to make her the focus of the scene and will createa floating affect. Symbolising that she feels lost and is just floating aorund in life, not knowing who she wants to be. She'll turn pivot around, revelaing that the other side of her face is painted, which is the side of her who wants to be what's expected in society - causing her to have a conflicted argument with herself. she'll remain in the same spot but will constantly be pivoting to go to the different sides. By not moving and just pivoting it reinforces to the audience that what's she's saying is the focus of the scene.


It'll start off with the room being completely black. ASHLEY'S head will go up at the same time that the spotlight comes on and will have her head facing the back of the audience for 3 seconds (creating an establishing shot.) The turn around, revelaing the plain side of her face(which will be a mid shot for the entire scene.)

Normal. (Pauses for two seconds, and the lighting will go down to create a slight sahdow on her face.) What is it?

You know what is is.

(Irritated and almost said thorugh gritted teeth.) No I don't.

You know perfectly well, you see everyday at college. You see everyday at home with your step-sister.

There's no need to remind me.


(In a sweet angelic tone.)
I beg to differ. After all you explained it to Rose quite passionately.

Shut up.

if that's what you want.

I just don't know what everyone wants from me.

They want you to be happy.

Then why am I always being criticised by everyone? If it's not by those iditos at college then it's my vain step-sister.
They're concerned.

There's nothing wrong with me.

You lashed out at your step-sister the other day. That's certainly not what a lady would do.

Maybe I don't want to be a lady. I want to be me. An individual. Everywhere you go, all you see is girls who are clones. And just because I don't like these dresses or melting my face in a mask of make-up. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with me.


It wouldn't harm you to try.

Go away!

I can't, you know I can't.

(Puts her head over her ears, looks down at the floor and this is said in a loud whisper.) Yes you can. Yes you can. Yes you can.

I've been dying to get out. Don't you want to try and see what it'd be like?


Ok. There is no need to deafen me.

You're saying that I should try and be like everyone else. What do you mean by that?


Refusing to speak, that's hardly very ladylike. What do you mean? You want me to be a stick like Kate Moss? Be obsessed with the colour pink like Jordan? Constantly feeling the need to improve me appearance? Falling over in heels and-

(Irritated) - alright you've made your point.

FIne (said in a tone, that was a lot of effort to say.)

But the other day, when you were completely annoyed by Rose you lashed out and went into a state shock. It's perfectly well to be an individual, but isn't it coming at a price?

(Quickly said, in an accusory tone) Well you're wrong.

Well let's say for arguments sake that I am. Think about it. You spend all your time by yourself, with all this anger towards everyone. You don't even bother trying to interact with your peers. It doens't make any sense.

It does to me.


(As this is sad, she becomes a lot sadder, showing how affected she feels.) It's ok being judger by everyone. After a certain point you don't care. But if I start interacting with other girls, they'll constantly be judging me and I'll be spending every minute worrying about what they think. There are much more important things.

But you proved you point to Rose, didn't you?

Look you wouldn't understand. I want to be accepted for being a individual - not to be accepted because I'm the same as everyone else.

Is that the real reason?

(Pauses for two seconds and says it very unconvincingly) Yes

No offence, but that wasn't convincing at all.

(An ashamed admitted tone)I guess


I'm worried. If I try to be like everyone else and... and... I like it. I'm scared

You'll lose yourself?

Bingo. I can't find myself when I'm used to who I am. If I change, I won't be able to recognise myself and I don't think I'd be able to handle it.

Well it's just another test.

(Annoyed and gets louder as the sentence prgresses) Another test? What did you mean by that?

(Trying to be understanding) Well, if you think about it, every single person is always tested by their actions. Your actions are a test so you'll find yourself. Whether you like it or not.

(Extremely irritated) Go away! I wans finally starting to like you.

You won't solve your problems by getting rid of me.


But. I. Might. Find. Me.

(In an extremely angelic tone) Find me.

Fine me.
(Loud whisper) Find me.



For the whole of this scene, the camera will be handheld.

ASHLEY is going downstaris to get another glass of water and her step-sister is sitting at the table, applying some of her make-up one. They don't acknowledge each other in any way ASHLEY has her hair up in a ponytail and is wearing some causual clothes. ROSE makes a snide comment about her and this tests ASHLEY'S patience. ASHLEY tries to walk away and not say anything, but ROSE keeps talking which then makes ASHLEY snap. They both say rude things to each other about their appearance and ASHLEY storms out, running up the stairs to her room and slamming the door.

In her room she's upset about what ROSE said to her and that she retaliated. In her head, she keeps hearing all the insults that her sister said and decides to shock her. She realises that she doens't like the way that she looks, chucks out all her clothes from her wardrobe. Changes into a dress, wearing heels and puts on make-up. When ASHLEY has 'changed' she starts walking down the stairs. At the same time, ROSE comes out saying that she's sorry, but sees ASHLEY making her stop halfway through because she's so shocked. ASHELY questions ROSE about what she said and talks about how she now looks like a clone, like ROSE. She turn goes back upstairs, leaving ROSE crying. Whilst ASHLEY walks into her room, shuts the door. She then falls down next to it with her head in her hands.


ASHLEY opens her bedroom door and leaves it half open and stands for a few seconds before she starts walking down the stairs. (The camera will be straight in front of her when she's in front of her door. When she walks down the stairs the camera will follow behind her.)

Opens the kitchen door, walks in and looks at her step-sister who is applying make-up on. After a few seconds ROSE notices ASHLEY and gives her a quick glance, before going to back to do her make-up. (The camera will track with ASHLEY into the kitchen and will stop at the same time. When she stops and open the door, the camera will be a mid shot. Non-diegetic noise will be created when she opens the door)

When walks into the kitchen and sees ROSE, the camera will go to a mid shot and will be a slightly low angle, showing the audience that she has a low opinion of her. When edited, the camera will go to a mid shot of ASHLEY just standing in the doorway ,(this will be from ROSE'S point of view.) There will be no angle showing that ROSE isn't fussed about ASHLEY being there at all. Therefore the audience will see both reactions and get a sense of what the relationship between the two is, even though they haven't said anything.

ASHLEY then walks over to the sink, whilst ROSE is still applying on more make-up. The camera will track with ASHLEY. ASHLEY is about to refill her glass when ROSE starts talking to her. (The camera will be a mid shot of ROSE'S face, making her the focus and creates tension as the audience is waiting to see what ASHLEY'S reaction will be.)
What are you wearing? (The camera will be a mid shot)

(Doesn't look at ROSE as isn't in the mood for an argument and looks straight ahead. The camera will be a close up and will only show the side of her face.) Actual clothes. (Turna sround and looks at ROSE. The camera will go up and down, as if it's being shown through ASHLEY'S point of view.) Unlike the crap you wear.

Fine, be like that. I was simply asking. (This will be non-diegetic noise, as the camera will go to an extreme close up of the water running into the glass. This symbolises that ASHLEY feels her emotions are running wild as she's trying not to react.)

(She turns around and when edited will cut straight to this. The camera will be a close up showing her irritated face.) And I was simply answering. (After she has said that she starts walking to the door. The camera will track with her.)
(ROSE gets up from her chair, creating diegetic noise, stopping ASHLEY in front of the opened door. This will be a close up.) You know [PAUSES] (This makes ASHLEY reluctnatly turn around,) You could have a shot at looking pretty, if you didn't have you hair up in that skanky ponytail, wore a bit of make-up and nice clothes.(Ends with a childish fake smile.)
I'm fine as I am. [SARCASTICALLY] Thanks (The camera will be a mid shot.)

(Like beforehand, the camera is a close up) Just remember [PAUSES] No-one us going to want to be with someone who looks like that [POINTS AT HER] Oh, wait [PAUSES] You're already used to that aren't you?

(Turms around slowly, still holding her glass of water, this will be a mid shot.) What. Did. You. Just. Say? (When she says that it'll be a close up, showing how irritated she is.)

(The camera will track with her, as she walks so she's near ASHLEY.) You heard me (This will be a close up, showing the mean expression on her face.)
(She takes a deep breath in, puts the glass of water on the counter next to her. This will be a mid shot.) [AUTHORITIVE TONE] Take it back right now. (This will be a close up of her face when she says that.)

ASHLEY RETALIATES AND THROWS THE GLASS OF WATER ALL OVER (The camera will be a long shot of her picking up the glass and throwing the water at ROSE.ROSE. It'll then go to a close up of ROSE'S reaction, it will then go back to ASHLEY'S reaction which will be a close up - SHOT REVERSE SHOT.)

ROSE will look at ASHLEY which will be a mid shot and remain there. The camera will then show part of her hand as she slaps ASHLEY on the face.

(The camera will track with her, creating the impression that ROSE is following her. As she storms out of the room whilst shouting at ROSE. She stops when halfway up the stairs and carries on shouting at ROSE. This will be a close up, showig how upset she is.) What the hell is your problem? I was finally having a nice day and just had to go and ruin it all!

(The camera will be a low angle, as seen from ASHLEY'S point of view and will be a long shot.) Well I was planning on having my friends round and now I'm going to have to change my plans. You always get your own way!
(A mid close up of her face, and will be at a higher angle, as being seen from ROSE'S point of view.)[SHOUTS] My way?
(A close up and will be a low angle, as being shown from ASHLEY'S point of view.)[SHOUTS] Yes!
(The camera will be at a high angle as being seen from ROSE'S point of view and will be a mid close up.) You self obsessed shallow cow!
(Will be a low angle as seen from ASHLEY'S point of view and will be a mid close up of her face.) Well at least I look decent! I mean look at you! You're so angry all the time and you wonder why no-one likes you!
(Will be a close up of her face.) So you're saying life is better being you? [STORMS UP THE REST OF THE STAIRS SO SHE'S ON THE LANDING] You've got to be kidding me! (When she runs up the remaining stairs it'll be a long shot , but willl get closer when she's nearer the landing and will be filmed above.)
(Follows ASHLEY by running up the stairs, will be filmed from the landing creating the sense it's being seen from ASHLEY'S point of view. It will start off as a long shot, but will get closer when she's nearer the landing.) Well when do you ever see me upset? (Mid shot now she's on the top stair) Unlike you [IMITATING ASHLEY] Oh, everyone hates me. Oh no, I've had another crap day at school. It's a broken record - get over yourself!
(Close up) Coming from you?
(Close up) Well at least people like me. You don't even try, so how can you know if you don't like it.
(Mid close up to fully see her reaction.) [SPOKEN QUIETLY] What's so wrong with wanting to be different?
(Close up) No-one will take you seriously if you keep this up. Everyone is still going to think you're still acting out and crying for attention. This is a phase that you should have outgrown by now, you stupid stupid girl!
(A mid close up, to see fully her reaction) You think this is a phase? It isn't a phase! This is me! Only, you won't look at who I am. You look at me only as you want to see me.
(A mid close up) [SPOKEN QUIETLY] No I don't.
(A close up) Fine. Lie. I frankly don't care.
(A mid close up) You don't care? Well that's a first?
(A close up) Think about it, we've never cared about each other. Lets face it. What you really want me to be is some dumb blonde, in other words a Paris Hilton clone! Well, I think I'll pass. And if your life is so great, how come I never see you doing anything with it?
(A close long shot, as she gets up from the stair and stands on the landing. Trying to assert her power) That's none of your business.
(A close up) Are you sure? Because, when it comes to me it's always yours. Stick your stupid, shallow nose into somebody else's life! Someone who gives a damm! (She then turns around and slams the door.)
ASHLEY is sitting on her bed crying and this will be a long shot, symbolising that she feels all alone. To enhance this shot, I will be using a reflector to create a halo affect giving more depth to this simple shot. The camera will then go to an extreme close up of her watery eyes from when she has been crying. She then sits on the floor rocking and scratching her legs, still hearing all the things that ROSE said about her. Then she'll look at herself in the mirror which will be a long shot. The camera will then go to a close up of her disgusted face. It'll then go to a close up of her emptying her wardrobe and will be filmed from inside the wardrobe. ASHLEY will now be changed and will go into the bathroom. The camera will go to an mid close up as she sees all of ROSE'S make-up and will put in on in a clown like style. There will be an close up of her as she puts on the foundation, mascara, purple eye shadow all around her eyes (symbolising that she feels bruised by what everyone thinks of her,) and an extreme close up as she puts on some lip gloss. The camera will then go back to a mid shot, of ROSE sitting in the kitchen and crying. The camera will remain like this when she hears the non-diegetic sound of ASHLEY coming down the stairs.
(The camera won't see her as the camera will be focused on ROSE. Her voice will create non-diegetic noise.) I'm really sorry about what happened earlier Rose. (By the time she has said this, there will be a long shot of her standing on the stairs in a dress. This will be a high angle as it'll be seen from ROSE'S point of view. The camera will go to a mid close up of ROSE'S reaction and then back to the shot beforehand. SHOT REVERSE SHOT.) [IN A CURIOUS TONE] What? I thought you'd like it. After all you did say that your life was better than mine.
(A mid close up, with a gobsmacked face. ASHLEY is walking down the stairs.) [A CONFUSED TONE] What...what are you doing Ashley?
(A mid shot as at the same level as ROSE) Oh no [SHAKING HER HEAD] My name is Rose (goes to a long shot as she curtsies)and everything is amazing about me. Rose is shallow and thinks the entire world revolves around her. But, don't worry; she has a brilliant life, much better than her step- sister's -
(Rushes up to ASHLEY and the camera is behind her, so she creates a mid shot. The camera then shoots to a close up of her distraught face. This will all be filmed over the shoulder of ASHLEY) [GRABS HER BY THE SHOULDERS] Stop this right now! Why are you doing this? [TEARS ROLLING DOWN HER FACE]
(A mid close up of her face and will be filmed over ROSE'S shoulder.) To make you see what you're really like - how you're really seen! Now you know how it feels after all that crap you said to me!
(A close up) [LOUD WHISPER] This is crazy. ASHLEY: (A mid close up) So what if it is? At least it might drill something into that brain of yours. (A close up as she struggles out of ROSE'S grasp. She runs up the stairs again and will be filmed from above, creating a long shot but will get closer, the nearer the landing she gets. She then goes back into her room.) In her room she shuts the door and then falls slowly down against the door in floods of tears and puts her head in her hands. This will be a long shot.


The camera will be on a tripod, showing a contrast with the previous scene.

ASHLEY is standing in a completely black room, with facing sideways. A bright spotlight will come on and this will show the plain side of her face. This is almost like the other scene, so therefore the audience will be expecting what they saw earlier. She starts talking whilst on this side. When she turns around, it's revealed that this side is plain too and then faces the front. ASHLEY talks about how she now sees herself and has found accpetance with hersel. Therefore it is a complete contrast with the other scene, when she was confused and didn't know who she was. At the end she will bow and the lights will go down. This will show that she has found happiness and is the end of the film.


The room will be completely black and ASHLEY will be facing the side with her head up. A bright spolight will come on showing the plain side of her face. After the previous scene, the audience will be expecting the same thing to happen.
(Mid shot) Normal, what is it?
(A mid shot) It's whatever you want it to be. There isn't any real definition.
(A mid shot) But, of course everyone will judge you at some point.

(A mid shot) But should you care what people think of you? Of course not. I learnt a lot from that long argument with Rose. I learnt at times you're going to feel lost. You're going to feel like an outsider and that no-one can or will understand you. Accepting yourself is the important thing, not what everyone thinks of you. I have finally learnt that. Relationships around me have improved and I no longer think or feel the way that I used to. I do not have to prove those around me. I now know that I no longer have to prove myself.

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